"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Travel
August 26, 2009

This Week

HK-everyday116 Originally uploaded by fernandogros. The days are quite full at the moment. After a long summer, with lots of travel and wonderful time catching up with family and friends, it’s shoulder to the wheel time (little reference there for fans for the TV show, Dollhouse). C is back at school, so it’s early mornings […]


Originally uploaded by fernandogros.

The days are quite full at the moment. After a long summer, with lots of travel and wonderful time catching up with family and friends, it’s shoulder to the wheel time (little reference there for fans for the TV show, Dollhouse).

C is back at school, so it’s early mornings for all. I’m knee deep in Berklee study (Chords 201) a new, amazing photography course, recording at every opportunity and reading, reading, reading.

As you may have noticed, I’m back to a steady blogging stream. I don’t have any longer essays in the works at the moment, but a lot of smaller things to comment on, as well as some observations from the studio to write up.

Toni 16 years ago

Good to see you back with enthusiasm and direction. Long may it continue.

I’m starting to find that there are blogs out there worth reading other than those of my friends. That may be something which is obvious, but finding any I’d want to read is unusual. One of those is Hamo’s ackyard missionary, where I’ve been for a little while. I have a suspicion that deep down we have some strong fundamental differences, but I can’t help agreeing with his recent observations. The idea of travelling round Oz for 6 months also appeals strongly.

Fernando Gros 16 years ago

You’ll also see more activity on the flickr feed as well!

Hamo has a great blog and some of his recent reflections on church have really tugged at my heart.

As for disagreement – well there are constructive and destructive disagreements. Living without constructive disagreements is like eating food with no spicing.

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