"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
November 28, 2008

Think Local, Act Mental

I’ve been trying this week to come up with a wordplay parody of the hoary old cliche, “think global act local.” I’ve written before about we should, if anything, reverse that old schema and inmstead say, think locally while acting globally. But, maybe it’s time to inject a little humour into the game. Here’s what […]

I’ve been trying this week to come up with a wordplay parody of the hoary old cliche, “think global act local.” I’ve written before about we should, if anything, reverse that old schema and inmstead say, think locally while acting globally. But, maybe it’s time to inject a little humour into the game. Here’s what I’ve come up with so far.

Tourist – Travel Global, Parade Local.
Distributor – Source Globally, Profit Locally.
Fundamentalist – Think Local, Act Mental.
Protectionist – Save Local, Screw Global.
Fashionista – Shop Local, Dress Global.

Any other suggestions?

Matias 16 years ago

Here’s my contribution:

Banker: Especulate global, mess local

It happens from time to time…just like…now?

Hugs from Brazil

Fernando Gros 16 years ago

Hey Matias – thanks! That’s a good one.

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