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Blog // Sounds
August 16, 2006

The Best of YouTube – Marc Ribot

I first encountered Marc Ribot’s angular and intriguing guitar style in the 80s, on Tom Waits classic album, Rain Dogs (the soundtrack to my final year of High School!). The solo from “Jockey Full of Bourbon” was unlike anything I had heard up to that stage; it sounded like an unruly cross of spy-movie guitar, […]

I first encountered Marc Ribot’s angular and intriguing guitar style in the 80s, on Tom Waits classic album, Rain Dogs (the soundtrack to my final year of High School!). The solo from “Jockey Full of Bourbon” was unlike anything I had heard up to that stage; it sounded like an unruly cross of spy-movie guitar, cuban jazz and european folk. It was one of those moments of frieghtening clarity when you say to yourself “this, this is what I want to sound like!”

Thanks to the glorious (if equally unruly) beast that is YouTube, here is a piece of Marc Ribot mastery (Marc Ribot y los Cubanos Postizos – Aurora y Pekin). Enjoy!

[tags] Marc Ribot [/tags]

Damian 19 years ago

Thanks for posting that. Very nice.

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