Navigating The Irreducible Absurdity Of Indian Cuisine
As an ex-pat, trying to get a handle on Indian Food is mind-numbing task. No amount of take-out curry...
As an ex-pat, trying to get a handle on Indian Food is mind-numbing task. No amount of take-out curry...
This afternoon I picked up a copy of The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman writer of the ultimate...
I’ve been enjoying The Flight of the Creative Class by Richard Florida. This book contends that there are around...
I can clearly recall buying and reading Craig M. Gay‚Äôs “With Liberty and Justic for Whom?” It was late...
On this site, back in August 2003, I wrote, “I’m sure Harvey Cox mentions Delhi in The Secular City,...
Well it is official (sort of), email makes you dumber. The latest research suggests that being saturated with email...
New Urbanism is a movement that aims to build better cities by making them more sustainable, walkable, and generally...
God’s Politics is the name of the latest book from Jim Wallis of Sojourner’s fame. If you read Jim’s...