Return On Emotional Investment
Return on investment is a common and useful idea in business circles. If you invest money on something it...
Return on investment is a common and useful idea in business circles. If you invest money on something it...
Yesterday was my first working day for 2014. But, I did sneak “back into the office” so to speak,...
I’d like to introduce you to my startup. I’ve made a little investment and I spent last week getting...
We’ve all had that moment, when someone we know starts a new band, or perhaps a company, or maybe...
What's the most important aspect of a song? Is it the beat, the rythmn, the melody? Current science suggests...
Every year, I like to take a few weeks off over the summer, to clear my mind, cleanse my...
I’ve had some friendy jibes, in recent weeks, about my decision to go to MusicMatters. After all, this is...
A few months back I wrote a (somewhat) scathing comment about “creative industry” conferences. I did go on and...
This year the New York City Ballet brought two programmes to the Hong Kong Arts Festival and I was...
Art is never further from its potential than when it is cast as a form of competition. When we...