"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
October 23, 2006

Scientology’s Growing UK Presence

Today’s Guardian reports on the elaborate opening to the Scientologists new centre in London. The conlcuding paragraph really caught my attention. “One man who remained behind closed doors throughout, was Alan Griffin, vicar of St Andrews by the Wardrobe church, which is next door to the new Church of Scientology Centre. Rev Griffin, whose congregation […]

Today’s Guardian reports on the elaborate opening to the Scientologists new centre in London. The conlcuding paragraph really caught my attention.

“One man who remained behind closed doors throughout, was Alan Griffin, vicar of St Andrews by the Wardrobe church, which is next door to the new Church of Scientology Centre. Rev Griffin, whose congregation numbers 40, watched the thousands of followers from his flat within the church yesterday.

Asked if he was worried, he said: “Oh, I don’t think they are going to put Christianity out of business, do you? I mean, almost anyone can get 5,000 people out to support them. Can’t they?””

[tags] Scientology [/tags]

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Matt Stone 18 years ago

Thanks for that Fernando

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