"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Creativity
July 27, 2014

Postcard From Wilpena

For four days last week I was off the grid, far away from the internet and any mobile phone reception, exploring the Wilpena, in the outback of Australia

My travels took me to Arkaba Station, on the edge of Wilpena Pound, just over 400km north of Adelaide.

This wasn’t a photographic workshop. It was a pure walking and nature experience.

Exploring the countryside by foot, covering about 14km a day (with two camera bodies, lenses, filters, water & supplies) over a mix of terrain, from flat scrub, to creek beds, mossy slopes, forests and rocky hilltops, sleeping under the stars (literally, with the temperatures dipping under 5C), showering in the open and waking with the dawn, was wonderfully challenging break from routine.

And, it was a fantastically inspiring few days (helped in no small part by Arkaba’s brilliant guides, great food, excellent camps and support staff). I left with three sets of studies I’ll be turning into prints once I return to Tokyo and burning desire to return soon to create more images!

Of course, I’ll have a few more articles to share with you, both on the wonderful accommodation, and also the photographic experiences including more fun with the FujiFilm x100s camera, some Black & White and HDR processes and some of the impression walking this land left in me.

But, for now I hope you enjoy today’s Black & White image, which represents the stark, ravaging contrasts of the Wilpena/Arkaba region.

Bo Tipton 11 years ago

I look forward to reading more about your journeys in the outback. I grew up in the desert in the Southwestern part of the U.S and love seeing pictures from Australia because many times they remind me of where I grew up. It is good that you can make the journey because as I have grown older I like my creature comforts to much. So I will let you supply the images to fuel my imagination.

Sharna 11 years ago

The desert has such secrets doesn’t it? How a tree can look dead and yet be totally unharmed and alive. It looks completely dry and yet these plants tell us other wise. There is life in what seems to others as complete nothingness.

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