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Blog // Thoughts
January 29, 2006

On Getting It Right: Emergent Eschatology

Steven over at Emmaus Road is asking the right sorts of questions of emerging church theology, namely where is the eschatology and what sort of flavour does it have? My impression is that eschatology is understanted in the writings of emerging thinkers and maybe this is part of what is feeding the current debates within […]

Steven over at Emmaus Road is asking the right sorts of questions of emerging church theology, namely where is the eschatology and what sort of flavour does it have? My impression is that eschatology is understanted in the writings of emerging thinkers and maybe this is part of what is feeding the current debates within the movement about humanity and sin.

[tags] Emerging Church, Eschatology, Sin [/tags]

Roderick 16 years ago

Please see related content about Preterism & Emergent Eschatology, especially as it relates to a recent interview with Andrew Perriman on the subject.

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