"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
August 14, 2009

OK, So I Didn’t Blog While On Holidays

Put simply, I spent too much time in my dad’s workshop, my mum’s kitchen and bike riding with my daughter to do any blogging. I did manage a lot of reading (seven books), a fair bit of writing and an aweful lot of photography, during that time, so it was far from being unproductive. Some […]

Put simply, I spent too much time in my dad’s workshop, my mum’s kitchen and bike riding with my daughter to do any blogging. I did manage a lot of reading (seven books), a fair bit of writing and an aweful lot of photography, during that time, so it was far from being unproductive.

Some of the highlights were buying a rather nice bicycle, photographing seals in the wild, soldering up a tube amp from scratch, baking a mountain of good healthy bread, catching up with my family and enjoying the cool, open, wintery spaces of Adelaide.

Right now I’m back in my studio space, importing the 1000+ photos I have spread over a few cards, installing the Logic 9 upgrade, getting ready to replace my Huey Pro color correction device and generally looking forward to a lot of recording over the next few weeks.

It’s a shame I couldn’t bring my new Amp back to Hong Kong with me, it did sound rather nice!

kris 16 years ago

the bike looks so cool!

Toni 16 years ago

Interesting bike, although I didn’t realise you were that old 😉

What was the valve amp like? Something nice and simple/pure or a multi-channel fire-breather?

Anyway, welcome back. Good to ‘see’ you again Fern.

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