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Blog // Travel
August 18, 2005

OK, I’ve Had It

It is that simple, I’m sick of living here in Delhi. I’m not sure it is any one thing, though several experiences over the past two weeks have contributed. It’s more a cumulative thing; I’ve been here long enough and I want to leave. Perhaps main thing that is getting to me is the agression. […]

It is that simple, I’m sick of living here in Delhi. I’m not sure it is any one thing, though several experiences over the past two weeks have contributed. It’s more a cumulative thing; I’ve been here long enough and I want to leave.

Perhaps main thing that is getting to me is the agression. Delhi is such an angry, snarling confrontational place. It is beyond tiring.

Matt Stone 20 years ago

Sorry to hear it’s getting you down. How long have you been over their? Any ideas of where you would go instead?

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