"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Images
November 3, 2010

Upcoming Photo Event

Here’s some big news that I’ve been looking forward to sharing. From November 30 to December 4, here in Hong Kong, there will be a small exhibition of my Ladakh images as part of the Fuel Arts Series, hosted by Fuel Espresso in IFC Mall. Fuel is a great cafe, staffed and run by some […]

Here’s some big news that I’ve been looking forward to sharing. From November 30 to December 4, here in Hong Kong, there will be a small exhibition of my Ladakh images as part of the Fuel Arts Series, hosted by Fuel Espresso in IFC Mall. Fuel is a great cafe, staffed and run by some really cool people and an oasis for a lot of coffee lovers in this city.

For five days my images will be on display throughout their store. I’m hoping to organise a giveaway for one large and one small limited edition print. Finally, there will be the chance for a lucky few Hong Kong readers of this blog to collect some free coffee.

In conjunction with this there’ll be a small revamp of this site to accommodate some improved galleries. Those changes will come online over the weekend of the 28th and 29th.

This will be the first public display of my photos and I’m thrilled, humbled and slightly daunted. Fuel Espresso is an award-winning, sucessful and very high profile cafe. That probably means a lot more eyeballs than a typical smaller gallery opening.

Here’s to some sleepless nights before then…

morgan 14 years ago

Exciting! Congratulations. Looking forward to visiting.

heidileon 14 years ago

suerte matador! I will stop by at fuel to check them out, for sure.

Fernando Gros 14 years ago

Morgan – thanks! Hope you can make it along.

Fernando Gros 14 years ago

Heidi – Thank You!

Toni 14 years ago

I hope it’s a really good platform for you, Fern, and that you can enjoy the experience, rather than being stressed by it.

All the best.

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