"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Creativity
May 27, 2011

MusicMatters Live

This year’s MusicMatters conference has been really rewarding thus far. A better experience than last year for a host of reasons that I’ll outline when I have time for a longer post. For now, here are some images from last night’s band showcases. Saida Baba Talibah from Canada Evaline from the USA Disconnected from Indonesia […]

This year’s MusicMatters conference has been really rewarding thus far. A better experience than last year for a host of reasons that I’ll outline when I have time for a longer post.

For now, here are some images from last night’s band showcases.

Saida Baba Talibah from Canada
Saida Baba Talibah from Canada

Evaline from the USA
Evaline from the USA

Disconnected from Indonesia
Disconnected from Indonesia

Simple Plan from Canada
Simple Plan from Canada

The Fairchilds from France
The Fairchilds from France

Will And The People from the UK
Will And The People from the UK

Jay Oatway 14 years ago

Wow! Great shots. Wish I could’ve stayed. Please, add the artist names to the post if you can.


Fernando Gros 14 years ago

Thanks Jay. I’ve added some names and will soon post a full review of the bands I managed to catch.

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