"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
July 10, 2014

Lucky Photos

I believe in luck. OK, I don’t believe in the sense that I build my life around luck. But, I do believe luck plays a role in many of our achievements. It fascinates me how just about all of the really successful people I’ve met also believe in luck. They’ll admit (at least privately), how […]

I believe in luck. OK, I don’t believe in the sense that I build my life around luck. But, I do believe luck plays a role in many of our achievements.

It fascinates me how just about all of the really successful people I’ve met also believe in luck. They’ll admit (at least privately), how good fortune & chance played some part in getting them where they are.

But, there’s another band of folks who visibly bristle at the mention of luck in connection to their success. They typically have some achievements, but not of the depth & distinction we associate with greatness.

The two photos in this post are what I would call lucky photos. The first I took while out riding this afternoon.

We’ve had unusually heavy rain recently here in Adelaide & the water was pooling in a local jetty. I didn’t put the water there & if my day had gone according plan I would not have been in that spot at sunset. I happened to spot the pool of water & thought this image was possible. Luckily it was.

The second was a tree lined street I spotted out of the corner of my eye in a part of town I was exploring. It was pure chance I spotted this & unusually (for me) the rental car I’m driving has sattelite navigation, so I’ve a little more adventurous with exploring new areas on this trip.

Believing in luck is not a cop out. Creating decent images (or any kind of craft) takes effort & application. But, seeing the role of chance is really about appreciating the gifts all around us, the myriad of things outside our control that we draw upon for inspiration every day.

Dione 11 years ago

I understand exactly what you mean. Yes we have to partake in life for luck to find us, we can not sit and wait for luck, it can’t find us if we are hiding.
You were lucky you chose the day you did to get that image as it could have been cloudy, dark and raining on a different day.
Being born to the opportunities that arise in life is nothing more than luck.
I am not Religious but when I hear people say “There but for the grace of god go I” I read that as luck, it is luck if we are born in to prosperity, even if we do not think of our family as prosperous, if we have all we need to keep warm, dry and full then we are indeed lucky.

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