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Blog // Technology
October 25, 2004

Intervals and Notation

I am really starting to enjoy the simplicity of using Sibelius G7 music notation software. Today in a short space of time I was able to create some examples of using intervals on guitar in both standard notation and in guitar tablature. Here is a pdf of those examples together with a explanation of the […]

I am really starting to enjoy the simplicity of using Sibelius G7 music notation software. Today in a short space of time I was able to create some examples of using intervals on guitar in both standard notation and in guitar tablature. Here is a pdf of those examples together with a explanation of the examples. Sadly the latter was created in boring old Word.

Lucky Killer 18 years ago

Man’s mind and spirit grow with the space in which they are allowed to operate. The committee judged the promises and offers of this mission to be impossible, vain, and worthy of rejection: that (it) was not proper to favor an affair that rested on such weak foundations and which appeared uncertain and impossible…

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