"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Sounds
August 26, 2009

Improving The Quality Of Your Recordings

12 Tips For Improving The Quality Of Your Recordings (via dBzeebee) – Practical and inspiring advice. Like so many things in life, learn to use your tools then commit yourself to using them well and without fear. Sound easy I know, but it takes years to really get to grips with either side of that […]

12 Tips For Improving The Quality Of Your Recordings (via dBzeebee) – Practical and inspiring advice. Like so many things in life, learn to use your tools then commit yourself to using them well and without fear. Sound easy I know, but it takes years to really get to grips with either side of that equation, which is why it pays to listen when people with experience condense their knowledge in this way.

Looking at the list I have to admit that I’ve only recently started to think about compression as a timing based effect. Moreover, I’ve often been guilty of approaching recording in a pragmatic, get it out the way mindset. I guess the personal DAW world makes it easy to fall into that mindset. I’m trying to make recording times more and more performance-like and slowly that is yielding better results.

Toni 16 years ago

I’ll look at the link when I have more time, but I could certainly use a little help. It’s so much faff to record at the mo that I just simply don’t bother, and if I ever do then I usually just plug the processor direct into the PC and find out how it sounded afterward.

Fernando Gros 16 years ago

I’ve never been productive when I had to set up to record. Before my current setup, I can think back to 5 or 6 spells where I was really productive over, what, 20 years. Every-time I created a situation where I just had to plug in, tune up and hit the record button.

During my years in India I was really worried about dust and electrical problems damaging my gear, so I left a lot of stuff in cupboards unless I “needed” it. That was dumb all the way down and I really wish I had been riskier with my gear.

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