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Blog // Thoughts
October 24, 2008

Howard Endorses Obama

See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die Sure, it’s one of the more light-hearted and fun endorsements. But, if like me, you grew up watching Happy Days, it’s still poignant in a nostalgic kind of way. In fact the nostalgic angle really got me thinking; surely one of the reasons why American popular […]

See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die

Sure, it’s one of the more light-hearted and fun endorsements. But, if like me, you grew up watching Happy Days, it’s still poignant in a nostalgic kind of way.

In fact the nostalgic angle really got me thinking; surely one of the reasons why American popular culture was such a successful export in the post war years came down to it’s optimism and good humour. Part of what I find dispiriting about much of the American right’s rhetoric these days is the flat out negative tone. It’s it ironic that an ideological faction so keen to dismiss negatively, either in critics (the Anti-American argument anyone?) or in leaders (the Carter “failure”) is itself so clearly marked by fearful, pessimistic and cynical banter?

John Smulo 16 years ago

I really enjoyed watching this. It is quite rare, if ever, that I’ve watched a political endorsement that made me nostalgic and smile at teh same time. Thank you for mentioning it.

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