"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Travel
July 28, 2008

Good And Bad Reasons To Extend A Holiday

Holidays are a funny thing for me. I usually enjoy them, but come the end, I’m typically ready to go home and get on with “normal” life. It’s like the “break-time” clock is always ticking away. This vacation has been a little tougher than usual. L’s family had a crisis which broke the holiday in […]

Holidays are a funny thing for me. I usually enjoy them, but come the end, I’m typically ready to go home and get on with “normal” life. It’s like the “break-time” clock is always ticking away.

This vacation has been a little tougher than usual. L’s family had a crisis which broke the holiday in the middle in regrettable ways.

Then, last night, my father had a heart attack. He will be in hospital for a few days, but thankfully he has received great attention and care. Of course, we would welcome your thoughts and prayers.

So, the holiday is extended, but not for reasons we would have planned or wished for.

Lindsay Cullen 17 years ago

I’ll be thinking of you and praying for your father.

Steve 17 years ago

Praying for you and yours, Fern.

Toni 17 years ago

For you’ve had to extend for those kind of reasons, Fern. Yes, I’ll try to remember you and your families.

brodie 17 years ago

Fernando – prayers and thoughts will be with your Dad and the rest of your family. Hope he is on the mend soon.

roy donkin 17 years ago

prayers are with your father Fernando and with the rest of your family.

Eddie 17 years ago

So sorry to hear, Fernando. + prayers.

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