"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Travel
August 2, 2008

Flying Home

Writing from the airport lounge in Adelaide while waiting for our flight. I’m looking forward to going “home,” but with a heavy heart over the past weeks. I’m in a business lounge with a loud TV on – that no-one seems to be watching. The morning news broadcast seems to be nothing but an extended […]

Writing from the airport lounge in Adelaide while waiting for our flight. I’m looking forward to going “home,” but with a heavy heart over the past weeks. I’m in a business lounge with a loud TV on – that no-one seems to be watching. The morning news broadcast seems to be nothing but an extended sports and entertainment broadcast. Whatever the relative merits of plastic bags, I would add paparazzi pop culture and sport-as-religion as things I also want a LOT less of in my life.

After all, if Marx were alive today he would surely say that Sport is the opiate of the masses…

Toni 17 years ago

Maybe Marx would write that about Australia, but in the UK it would either be TV or booze.

Hope you had a good flight back. Peace to you and yours.

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