"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
December 19, 2006

Five Things

I’ve been team tagged! Damian (whose got a cool blog by the way) has tagged me for the five things meme as has Steve at Emergent Kiwi and Rudy ay Urban Onramps has also jumped in. So, here are five things you may not know about me. 1. As a schoolboy I played Cricket at […]

I’ve been team tagged! Damian (whose got a cool blog by the way) has tagged me for the five things meme as has Steve at Emergent Kiwi and Rudy ay Urban Onramps has also jumped in. So, here are five things you may not know about me.

1. As a schoolboy I played Cricket at a serious level. As a result I met and played against a number of the guys who have made up the highly sucessful Aussie side of the last decade. In fact, most of youth was spent nearly being a top flight sportsman (cricket, athletics, football).

2. I rarely drive. Having not owned a car in eight years and living either with great public transport (London, Hong Kong) or a private driver (Delhi) has meant that I only take the wheel when on holidays. Even then, L does most of the driving.

3. I’m not a confident swimmer. Having grown up in a family of great swimmers, it was tough for me since swimming did not come naturally. I love the water and have enjoyed canoeing, sailboarding and surfing at various stages of life and now swim occasionally for exercise. But, If I haven’t been in the water for a few weeks, I lose confidence quickly.

4. I always read magazines from the back to the front. I always start with the world news and sport sections of the newspaper. I always skip the preface and introduction of books, usually coming back to them after a few chapters.

5. I like to arrive at sporting events early, while the teams are still warming up and the stands are mostly empty. I’m not as bad for theatre or cinema, but I like to be settled and calm before the show starts. By contrast, I detest arriving early for parities or dinners.

So there you have it. Let’s see what Brodie, Joshua, Cynthia, Toni and John will reveal to us.

[tags] Meme, Five Things [/tags]

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Johnny Laird 18 years ago

Hey Fernando. A good buddy of mine(https://nanolog.blogspot.com/2006/12/ive-been-tagged-5-things-you-dont-know.html#links) just tagged me, and when I got round to doing my thang on this, you were going to be one of the guys I tagged…but you beat me to it!


John Lunt 18 years ago

Fun… my first tag.

John Smulo 18 years ago

Very interesting info! Back to front with magazines, I used to flip around, but recently have started reading from the front.

brodie 18 years ago

hey I’m honored. my five things are now up.

Toni 18 years ago

Will do.

Fernando Gros 18 years ago

John, it certainly depends on the magazines. Some US mags, like Vanity Fair are really hard to read from the back. But a number of favs, like Atlantic, Sound on Sound and New Yorker put all the stuff that most interests me in the back quarter of the magazine.

cynthia 18 years ago

The fact that I can’t blog between December 15th and December 26th does not count as one of my five things. Those will follow after the revelry is over when I’m not so snowed 😉 under and I can truly enjoy my tag.

Fernando Gros 18 years ago

Look forward to it Cynthia. Have a good Christmas!

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