A few weeks back you may have noticed a new link to appear on the right navigation column. This is my space on the fantastic social bookmarks engine. This site came to my attention a while back through Greg Restall. Well it seems that more and more people are jumping on this bandwagon […]
A few weeks back you may have noticed a new link to appear on the right navigation column. This is my space on the fantastic social bookmarks engine. This site came to my attention a while back through Greg Restall.
Well it seems that more and more people are jumping on this bandwagon (because it is headin somewhere good!). Jonny Baker is using it as is Jordan Cooperwho has written a good article on how to use for research.
With you don’t just store your bookmarks, but you can see what other people who share bookmarks with you are bookmarking. It is a great way to surf. Moreover, you can subscribe to specific tags, so the moment someone feeds a link of itnerest into the engine (be it golf, film or jazz) you will be instantly aware, letting you take advantage of the inroads others have made into the ever-harder to navigate web. A good thing indeed!