"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
December 8, 2008

Clearing The Cache

You may have noticed a few random blogposts recently, in amongst the more timely pieces on Advent/Christmas and current issues. Well, there’s a reason for that. At the start of the month I had 112 partially finished blogposts sitting in the drafts folder of my wordpress installation. In a lot of ways that is far […]

You may have noticed a few random blogposts recently, in amongst the more timely pieces on Advent/Christmas and current issues. Well, there’s a reason for that.

At the start of the month I had 112 partially finished blogposts sitting in the drafts folder of my wordpress installation. In a lot of ways that is far more dysfunctional than having 112 emails sitting my inbox or 112 drafts in a more nuanced writing programme like Scrivener. WordPress tends to leave drafts in a visible, but hard to manage arrangement not unlike a virtual pile of old newspapers in the corner of the room. You can see them, but short of grabbing them all and heading for the recycling basket, it’s not clear what you should or could do with them.

To make matters worse, some of these drafts are “interesting,” or at least they were one, two or three years ago when I started writing them. That alone has bred this inertia.

So, in the interests of starting the new year in a cleaner frame of mind, I’ve decided to clear the cache – re-draft and post what merits publication and delete what does not. Needless to say I’m doing more of the latter and less of the former. There will be an even bigger cache cleaning in the new year as I decontaminate my hardrives and backup files, but I’ll save the info on that for the post on my 2009 goals.

Toni 16 years ago

Good man.

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