"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
August 31, 2010

Bits And Pieces

It’s been a while since the last post. Sometimes blogging is a funny game – it feels like one has posted a lot of content, but looking back, the flow of ideas was more of a trickle than a torrent. This will be my thirteenth post for August – with the same number of updates […]

It’s been a while since the last post. Sometimes blogging is a funny game – it feels like one has posted a lot of content, but looking back, the flow of ideas was more of a trickle than a torrent.

This will be my thirteenth post for August – with the same number of updates in July. I have actually managed to do quite a bit of other writing over the summer, some of which is for other projects and some that appear here in September and October.

Truth be told, I often find myself feeling fragmented by the end of Summer. The routines and patterns of the cooler months always suit me better. Still, I’ve managed to get some things done, both musically and photographically while also taking two great holidays (a long break in Adelaide at the start of the summer and short break in Taipei this past weekend at the end of it). Moreover, I’m exercising semi-regularly; even getting back into swimming.

Perhaps most importantly, I’m feeling more at ease with life right now. The past few weeks have found me irascible at times, but those moments pale in comparison to the torrent of disquietude I felt about living in Hong Kong this time last year. Returning from my summer holidays in 2009 was tough indeed.

One of the decisions I made then, to try and make life a little sweeter and fuller, was to embark on some photography lessons. It was one of the those decisions that, at the time, seemed rather innocent and of little consequence. But, in a few days I’ll be travelling back to India on an extended photo tour and in the past month I have received three rather extraordinary offers to handle some amazing photo shoots. It’s all rather daunting really, especially for a guy who shoots a six megapixel camera that was discontinued over four years ago!

I’m also happy with the way SoundWallah, my music production company, is progressing. This last month I worked on two projects in particular that were really satisfying and there is the possibility of a few really big projects in early 2011 that would move things along nicely. However, it was a rough month technically, with some computer and equipment problems.

Today I managed to pass my Logic Pro Level Two certification. I’ve been chasing this one for a while and it was quite a stern test. The course-book for this certification has been beefed up substantially since version 8 and there was a lot of material to cover. Regardless, preparing for the exam was a great experience and I learnt a few processes that were new to me.

I’m not sure how many updates I will be able to post in September. There will be a normal flow over the next week or two, as I expect even in Delhi I’ll manage to find a connection. However, I doubt I’ll post much once I’m away from the major towns in Northern India.

At least you can expect to see a lot of pictures when I get back, late in the month and hopefully a lot more music.

Toni 15 years ago

l look forward to those pix, Fern.

Shaleena 14 years ago

Hi there,

Only today (24 Nov 2010) did I read your blog and would love to see your photos (shaleenamool@gmail.com).

I also enjoyed reading your blog!


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