"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
June 18, 2007

Best Of The Blogs This Week

OK, in response to a few emails, I’m going to keep these lists a little shorter… A Piece Of My Youth – Tanks to Damian for bringing back some really good childhood memories. How cool is the music on this clip?!? Christus Victor: Atonement for the Postmodern World? – A trend I’ve noticed is that […]

OK, in response to a few emails, I’m going to keep these lists a little shorter…

A Piece Of My Youth – Tanks to Damian for bringing back some really good childhood memories. How cool is the music on this clip?!?

Christus Victor: Atonement for the Postmodern World? – A trend I’ve noticed is that really sharp young theologians soon gravitate towards the doctrine of atonement as one of the areas of theology that needs rethinking. Jason is throwing around some good ideas here and the discussion is worth reading as well.

The First (Annual?) Karl Barth Blog Conference (via Swords To Plowshares) – There’s something about the phrase, “Karl Barth Blog Conference” that makes me smile. Looks good though and in our era of globalisation and concern about the ecology of travel, surely we should be using technology to develop more online conferences?

When There Is No Quiet, There Can Be No Loud – Great application of the phenomena of audio dynamic range to communication theory. Great speakers, preachers and presenters share in common with great musicians and artists the skill of being able to judge what to leave out of a work, as well as what to put in.

Melodic Transformation – Bill bits the ball out of the park with this great little podcast on melody and varation. Working from William Russo’s Composing Music, Bill demonstrates some easy to understand concepts for building variations on a melodic idea.

Roger Williams, Baptists and Women’s Liberation via Jesus Politics – A timely reminder of the role of religious liberty within the the history of the Baptist church. This is the sort of historical identity that I still identify with and if this were more widely accepted as core a Baptist distinctive, well… let’s just say, things might be different.

Hong Kong Blogs Review via Living In Hong Kong – The tone of the these reviews is quite revealing.

[tags] Baptist, Funk, Composition, Karl Barth, Atonement [/tags]

Damian 18 years ago

It’s a cool clip isn’t it! I never knew before, but that’s the Pointer Sisters singing on it.

WTN 18 years ago

Thanks for spreading the word about the Barth blog conference! Its going fairly well so far, and we are only halfway through!

Dana Ames 18 years ago

Oh Fernando, that clip is one of the reasons my husband and I used to watch Sesame Street together long before we had children, when we were “poor newlyweds” who couldn’t afford cable TV…


Alex 18 years ago

Fernando, thanks for the link on atonment. I am also writing about this currently at my blog.

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