"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Travel
July 27, 2009

Bags Are Packed

One of the great things about living in Hong Kong is the Airport Express. It’s a fast, clean and reliable rail conection between the heart of the city and airport. One of the great things about the Airport Express is that you can check your bags well ahead of the flight time, then catch your […]

One of the great things about living in Hong Kong is the Airport Express. It’s a fast, clean and reliable rail conection between the heart of the city and airport. One of the great things about the Airport Express is that you can check your bags well ahead of the flight time, then catch your train later and avoid the crowds at the airport.

That’s exactly what we did this afternoon, check our bags before 4pm and relax before our late night flight.

Of course, the agony in this is when you realise, an hour after checking in, that you forget to pack some things that, in this era, can’t be taken on board a flight (like guitar set-up tools). Oh well, live and learn.

I’ll be off in Adelaide for two weeks, hopefully to relax, catch up with family, play guitar, paint and tinker with some electronics. It’s been a strange sort of year, lots of breaks, interruptions and travel. But, in a way, I’m feeling good about that and I’m learning a lot about personal productivity, creativity and managing stress. Well, I like to think I am.

So, expect low blog activity in the next two weeks and all the best wherever you are and whatever you are doing over this summer.

Toni 16 years ago

Have a good time, and enjoy the break.

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