"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
July 10, 2009

Back From Holidays And Clearing The Blog Cache

Back from holidays, fighting a cold and jet lag, setting up the studio for what should be a productive two weeks and enjoying catching upon the blogosphere after a much needed break. Here’s some things that caught my eye, Faith Following Jesus – A Catholic Latin American Perspective – Hamo has been reading a book […]

Back from holidays, fighting a cold and jet lag, setting up the studio for what should be a productive two weeks and enjoying catching upon the blogosphere after a much needed break. Here’s some things that caught my eye,


Following Jesus – A Catholic Latin American Perspective – Hamo has been reading a book by the Chilean priest Segundo Galilea, called Following Jesus. The quotes are worth checking out. They highlight one of the problems churches face – the characteristics that will make for an innovative and creative leader in mid-life don’t always (or usually) manifest themselves that the characteristics that make someone a “safe pair of hands” in early adulthood.

Luke 1:1-4 Storyboards: Narration as Intervention (Sermon Notes) – Truly brilliant post combining elements of theology, hermeneutics and worship. Please read.

The Wise Words of Eugene Peterson – I always find Eugene Peterson inspiring and this collection of quotes is no exception. Particularly striking was the reminder of how some pastors talk about the congregations.

Faith Practices In Emerging Church Blogs – Paul has been blogging some of the insights from his PhD research and this one has a lot of food for thought. I found my outlook reflected in this summary and wondered if maybe there is a kind of personality that is more likely to take up blogging reflected here.


Using Delay For Lo-Fi Robot Effects – During the break I took in a Logic Seminar at the Regent Street Apple Store. one thing I walked away with was a desire to revisit the plug-ins I don’t often use and this tip is a great example of the little gems that are hidden. Take this and apply it to a drum loop and see the results. Very cool.

More Licensing Opportunities for Children’s Music – The paradox of our times is that whilst the “music industry” is supposedly dying, there are lots of cool opportunities for small artists to get breaks if they promote themselves well. This is one of those inspiring stories!

Cellist Zoe Keating on Quitting Your Day Job, Going on Tour – Funny, brief and highlighting the realities of being a playing musician.

Other Stuff

Le Comptoir du Relais – Last week I was in Paris and walked past this Bistro, but didn’t eat there. Looks like I missed out on something good. Maybe next time.

10 Most Annoying Airline Passengers, As Told By a Flight Attendant – Some years back I made a commitment to myself to try to be the kind of person who attracts good service. That might sound like a contradiction, but if you look and listen, all too often people’s bad attitudes are like honey to the bees of bad service. However, having just been on a flight that was plagued by bad service, this one made me rethink my attitude again.

Creating a slideshow using iDVD – I’ve started using iDVD a lot more this year and it is a great app (though irritably buggy at times). Slideshows made this way are surprisingly cool and engaging.

Under the Surface – Great cartoon and yes, I do agree!

Toni 16 years ago

You hit the UK and we didn’t see you.


Maybe for the best. TBH I’m pretty darn miserable right now, and after the last few weeks of family things it might have been difficult.

Just don’t think you can waltz back here again without arranging to meet up, OK.

John Flynne 16 years ago

You probably did not hand out the correct brand of chocolate( see the article it refers to Hersheys which really tests one’s imagination as being chocolate probably reflects the origin of your adviser.One would not knowingly fly a US airline would they?)
Another thought your best might still not work it could be still deficient.

Fernando Gros 16 years ago

Toni – Truth is I missed a lot of people. But the months leading up to this holiday were tough and the final week before was chaos. Not an excuse, but I felt a need to not fill the days and to have some more family time. It won’t be so long before we visit again.

John – Agree. Hershey’s is neither chocolate nor food really…

Toni 16 years ago

Fern – it’s fine. I hope it was a rest (or at least a worthwhile change) for you and it did provide some good time together.

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