"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
November 18, 2005

And Yet Another Birthday

For some reason, 37 seems more interesting to me than 36 was(despite not being a square). Sure at a younger age you never pause to wonder “what will life be like when I’m 37,” and most people don’t set life goals they want to achieve by 37 (well not the one’s I like to hang […]

For some reason, 37 seems more interesting to me than 36 was(despite not being a square). Sure at a younger age you never pause to wonder “what will life be like when I’m 37,” and most people don’t set life goals they want to achieve by 37 (well not the one’s I like to hang out with anyway). However, it is still interesting; the descent towards 40 (which apparently is the new 30 and will probably be the new 21 by the time I get there), which brings with it the feeling of being, well, older; but older in a good way.

Dr. Mike Kear 19 years ago

Happy Birthday, Fernando!

Personally, I’m on the descent towards 50, so I hope you’re right about forty being the new 21.



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