"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
August 14, 2007

Ancient Evangelical Future Blog

David Neff has started blogging at Ancient Evangelical Future. The blog is an extension of his work with Northern Seminary and the Robert E. Webber Center for an Ancient Evangelical Future. The first post is up and I’m looking forward to reading more. [tags] Ancient Evangelical Future [/tags]

David Neff has started blogging at Ancient Evangelical Future. The blog is an extension of his work with Northern Seminary and the Robert E. Webber Center for an Ancient Evangelical Future. The first post is up and I’m looking forward to reading more.

[tags] Ancient Evangelical Future [/tags]

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brodie 18 years ago

Fernando – looks like this is a blog that’s going to be worth following. That said it would have been good IMHO if it had been on a different blogging platform. I’m not a fan of blogger as I find leaving comments cumbersome and well they asthetics are not great.

Fernando Gros 18 years ago

I agree that blogger is ugly in a lot of ways. But it seems to be that blogger is the choice for many new bloggers for a lot of reasons and it is a lot better now than when I tried it back in 2001.

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