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Blog // Thoughts
July 6, 2006

Africa Bible Commentary

The new Africa Bible Commentary looks excellent. Thanks to Steve Knight for the heads up and also check out Andrew Jones comments on it. As Steve says, The emerging church in Africa gets a big boost today from the official launch of the brand-new Africa Bible Commentary. This is the first complete commentary of the […]

The new Africa Bible Commentary looks excellent. Thanks to Steve Knight for the heads up and also check out Andrew Jones comments on it. As Steve says,

The emerging church in Africa gets a big boost today from the official launch of the brand-new Africa Bible Commentary. This is the first complete commentary of the Bible written in Africa by African theologies for African pastors and practitioners.

It was nice to see Pastor Joe Simfukwe’s name on the list of contributors. Joe was, for a while, a Pastor at Gymea Baptist church and co-lead a short-term mission from the church to Zimbabwe and Zambia in late 1993. That was a memorable trip for me, not just because it was my first experience of African Christianity, or African Game-Watching, or for the great fellowship of the Baptist World Youth Alliance conference in Harare. It was also the occasion where I met my wife. We started dating soon after that trip and were married a few months later.

[tags] Bible, Commentary, African Theology [/tags]

Steve K. 19 years ago

Hey Fernando,

Thanks for passing along the info on the “Africa Bible Commentary”! Great to hear a little bit more of your story as well and the cool connections you have to Pastor Simfukwe and Africa. Very cool stuff, mate.

Steve K.

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