"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Images
August 18, 2014

Adelaide Instagram

Last week I came back from Adelaide and have been meaning to share some of the photos I took on the trip, especially some of my iPhone images. I love taking photos in Adelaide and because I tend to walk and cycle a lot while I’m there, I’m always taking iPhone snapshots and sharing them […]

Last week I came back from Adelaide and have been meaning to share some of the photos I took on the trip, especially some of my iPhone images. I love taking photos in Adelaide and because I tend to walk and cycle a lot while I’m there, I’m always taking iPhone snapshots and sharing them on Instagram (yes, I never did delete my account).

Below are some of my favourites from the six weeks I spent down under.

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Toni 11 years ago

I guess I understand the love affair with instagram, but it’s a shame to see otherwise great images spoiled by noise and artefacts (like the image at the top of your post on writing a book) when a decent camera wouldn’t give those problems. Or maybe since I started getting serious for my own images I look harder than I should at those belonging to other people, and it doesn’t really matter?

Fernando Gros 11 years ago

Toni – for me it really doesn’t have anything to do with Instagram and it’s more to do with using an iPhone, which often means taking a picture when I otherwise would not have a camera. Thing is, I almost always carry my iPhone with me. But, there’s plenty of situations where I wouldn’t usually carry a camera (bike rides are an example).

When I look at my old point and shoot digital camera photos from 2001-08 in Lightroom, some of them are really terrible, in a technical noise/abberation sense. Inferior to the best iPhone photos. But, they are all I’ve got.

Toni 11 years ago

I understand that, and pretty much every digital photo I took prior to 2007 was garbage that I’d only ever use as a record shot. The instagram comment was made because of the thread title, though you know I have no love of that system. 😉

There was a maxim about the best camera in the world being the one you have with you, but even though my phone can take tolerable images, I simply won’t use it because it’s not good enough to make me happy. That probably says all you need to know about me. :p

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