"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
July 1, 2006

A Year Ago Today

This blog’s sidebar now sports the Time Capsule plugin that lets you see what I was blogging about 12 months ago. Currently it is showing links to a blog about Oprah’s ranting in Paris, some thoughts on OSX and the third in a series on US Political Christianity. Please keep an eye for these updates […]

This blog’s sidebar now sports the Time Capsule plugin that lets you see what I was blogging about 12 months ago. Currently it is showing links to a blog about Oprah’s ranting in Paris, some thoughts on OSX and the third in a series on US Political Christianity. Please keep an eye for these updates if you are new to this blog, you may find some interesting older posts.

[tags] WordPress, Time Capsule [/tags]

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Jamie Arpin-Ricci 19 years ago

I love the Time Capsule plugin. Very creative.

Fernando Gros 19 years ago

It seems to be working quite well and there is a tiny peak in traffic to those posts.

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