"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
November 18, 2014

Birthday 2014

Today, in many small and unremarkable ways, I celebrated another birthday. Rather than fill the day with big celebrations, I elected to spend the day doing the things I love most, from meals with my family, to reading, making music, doing pilates, taking photos and even a long slow evening walk through the streets of […]

Today, in many small and unremarkable ways, I celebrated another birthday. Rather than fill the day with big celebrations, I elected to spend the day doing the things I love most, from meals with my family, to reading, making music, doing pilates, taking photos and even a long slow evening walk through the streets of Tokyo.

For the little self-portrait you see above I set up a single continuous light in my studio and used the timer on my iPhone 5s. The shot was made possible by the 645 app, which allowed me to tied down the iPhone’s ISO to 160, avoiding the harsh noise normally created as the iPhone’s autoISO tries to adapt to a low light environment. This meant the shot had the natural light falloff we associate with a normal camera. I then processed the image in the iPhone, using Snapseed and PS Elements.

The days are growing shorter here in Tokyo and the night are certainly cooler, which is a natural reminder that the year is drawing to a close, that we are being pulled into that season, which we fill with decorations, lights and gifts, but which we know is also a time of reckoning and reflection, of looking back over the year we have lived and deep into the eyes of those we love. Wherever you find yourself this autumn, I hope you can take the time and opportunity to enjoy this time of year. And, of course, thank you for reading this blog and following my work throughout 2014!

James 10 years ago

You look like Al Swearengen! Happy birthday mate!

Fernando Gros 10 years ago

James – thank you! I was going for Zac Brown, but I’ll definitely take Al Swearengen as a compliment!

leonie 10 years ago

Happy birthday Fernando! Brilliantly creative use with the iPhone camera.

Steve 10 years ago

Happy belated birthday, Fern!

Toni 10 years ago

Happy birthday yesterday Fern.

You had all you can ask for, cannot beat that in a better way. Happy bday Fernando!

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