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Blog // Travel
December 13, 2006

Girls And Football

Yesterday, C (aged 5.5) asked me if girls play football. I said, “of course, they can be very good at it too.” She wasn’t convinced, replying – “but you only ever see boys playing football on television.” Touche. [tags] Womens Sport [/tags]

Yesterday, C (aged 5.5) asked me if girls play football. I said, “of course, they can be very good at it too.” She wasn’t convinced, replying – “but you only ever see boys playing football on television.”


[tags] Womens Sport [/tags]

Toni 18 years ago

Girls usually have more sense than to play ‘Kevball’.

cynthia 18 years ago

I recently told my daughter that only girls’ names end in the letter a, never boys’ names. She said she had always thought Santa was a man.
Merry Christmas,

Toni 18 years ago

Cynthia – maybe a language lesson would help clarify things a little.


Fernando Gros 18 years ago

Nice one.

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