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Blog // Sounds
February 18, 2006

Something Nice Came In The Mail

A few weeks back I blogged about my final Berklee Course. Well yesterday, in the mail, my Master Certificate in Arranging arrived. Despite having dedicated at least some part of life to making music from a very early age, this is my fist formal musical qualification. The experience of doing the course has been marred […]

A few weeks back I blogged about my final Berklee Course. Well yesterday, in the mail, my Master Certificate in Arranging arrived. Despite having dedicated at least some part of life to making music from a very early age, this is my fist formal musical qualification.

The experience of doing the course has been marred by technical problems here in Delhi. I will never forget screaming my ear training excercises over the sound of the air conditioning whilst wondering when the internet connection would next fail. However, the course materials from Berklee, their online delivery and the supervisor feedback has been first class. Morevoer, it has been great to “meet” a bunch of very diverse and interesting musicians.

This week Berklee added a new course in Film Scoring . Whilst I’m still unsure if I would sign up for another full certificate programme, the lure of doing some work on film music seems too hard to resist.

[tags] Berklee, Berkleemusic, Arranging [/tags]

Toni 19 years ago

Congrats. I suspect any kind of formal qualification in music is way beyond me, so you have my admiration for your ability.

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