"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Images
November 2, 2011

Oaxaca First Impressions

Vibrant is the word I would use to describe my first impressions of Oaxaca. This is a colourful, lively and passionate town, full of life and rich in tradition. On my first full day here I took two walks; an afternoon stroll full of art galleries, cafes and small stores and a late evening exploration […]

Graveside Vigil

Vibrant is the word I would use to describe my first impressions of Oaxaca. This is a colourful, lively and passionate town, full of life and rich in tradition.

On my first full day here I took two walks; an afternoon stroll full of art galleries, cafes and small stores and a late evening exploration that revealed a fun and lively nightlife. Of course, the array of costumes celebrating the Dia de los Muertos season just added to the atmosphere.

Dia de los Muertos

The celebrations are rich and fascinating. I will write a separate and longer post on that when I get home. The whole thing has left a pretty big impression on me.

Lie any traveller, I’ve been tempted to buy everything I can, as if random consumerism would somehow extend the feeling of being here. That said, there is some amazing art, fashion and handiworks that stands on its own merits. I’ve already picked up something for the wall of my new studio.

The food is distinct and delightful. Oaxacan cuisine is prized and often written about, both within and outside Mexico. I’ve eaten everything from street-side Beef Rib Tacos, to haute cuisine dishes featuring Chapulines (Grasshoppers), all with delight.

Singing For The Dead

However, the best thing about this trip so far has the people. Warm, friendly and often willing to speak to a complete stranger like myself about their culture, traditions and life in their part of the world. I’ve learnt a lot and and thankful for the opportunity to travel here and create some photographs.

roy donkin 13 years ago

Oaxaca is a place on my must visit list. I do think I’d pass on the chapulines though

Spike 13 years ago

Apparently the great David duChemin is in Oaxaca now too! Or did you already know that?


Fernando Gros 13 years ago

If you like small brown shrimp, there is no reason to pass up on the chapulines!

Fernando Gros 13 years ago

I assume “the great” should be said in a film trailer voice. Actually it was interesting seeing David being recognised by other photographers in town. Celebrity is an odd thing.

Spike 13 years ago

Oddly, I wasn’t necessarily thinking of him and “great” in terms of his photography, which I think is very good. What I was thinking of was his books, which I find inspirational, and his spirit for the way he’s survived that fall that almost killed him and the way in which he’s bounced back (no pun intended).

Fernando Gros 13 years ago

Spike – I totally agree with that.

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