"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Images
October 30, 2011

On The Road In Mexico

Getting from Singapore to Oaxaca is not a straightforward thing. The quickest route is with Singapore Airlines, via Moscow, then connecting with a direct (Continental) flight from Houston to Oaxaca. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get that route on the days I needed, so I opted instead to come via London on Qantas (my first trip, finally, […]

Architectural Bull
Getting from Singapore to Oaxaca is not a straightforward thing. The quickest route is with Singapore Airlines, via Moscow, then connecting with a direct (Continental) flight from Houston to Oaxaca.

Colour In The Field

Unfortunately, I couldn’t get that route on the days I needed, so I opted instead to come via London on Qantas (my first trip, finally, on an A380), then with BA to Mexico City, staying overnight, then catching a morning bus to Oaxaca. I wish time had permitted me a longer stay in Mexico City, especially since my room at the Four Seasons was so charming and comfortable (and the Don Juan 1942 Tequila was so amazing!).

Sierra Con Nieve

My bus to Oaxaca was a luxury 26 seat coach from the ADO Platino (platinum) line. Comfortable reclining seats and on board movies (I watched two Cantinflas classics) made the six and a half hour ride pass smoothly.

Three Lines Of Green

Put simply, I’m loving Mexico. Apart from some idle chatter with fellow travellers in the airport and calls home, I’ve not spoken a word of English since I got here. That, combined with the great food and warm friendly people is, well, intoxicating.

Heidi Leon 13 years ago

Que alegría me da saber que tus primeros días en México han sido smooth enough. (uf, what a relief!).

You have no idea how many flasbacks I´m having just by reading your post!. Four Seasons was a regular spot for us when we used to live in DF (their benedict eggs are delish).

Oaxaca is just otro México inside México. My hubs and I love that State for so many reasons.

Hope to discover yours soon.

Jeff Shattuck 13 years ago

Love the photos. Really great stuff, can’t wait to see more.

Fernando Gros 13 years ago

Heidi – I had a truly magical time. Oaxaca exceeded my already high expectations. And, breakfast at the Four Seasons Mexico City was everything friends and loved ones said it would be.

I do wish, however, that I had photographed more food!

Fernando Gros 13 years ago

Jeff – thanks!

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