"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
October 19, 2010

How And Why I Blog

In recent weeks I’ve fielded a number of questions, all of them in offline conversations, about my approach to blogging. Those sorts of conversations were common six or seven years ago, when blogging was growing in popularity. However, the rise of services like Facebook and Twitter, caused blogging to decline in popularity. There was even […]

In recent weeks I’ve fielded a number of questions, all of them in offline conversations, about my approach to blogging. Those sorts of conversations were common six or seven years ago, when blogging was growing in popularity. However, the rise of services like Facebook and Twitter, caused blogging to decline in popularity. There was even something of a backlash against the most sensationalist and crassly-commercial blogs.

Now things seem to be changing and more people seem to be starting blogs or re-entering the blogging field. Not that I’m surprised by this. In February I wrote that blogging would make a comeback, of sorts, in 2010. In that post I said,

“…Twitter and Facebook are very limited vehicles for holding content — that is not their strength.

If you have creative output, you need a place to host it, explain it and maybe invite comment on it. On that level blogging still makes sense. Content-specific platforms, like Flickr (photos) and Soundcloud (music) are great hosts but limited content and commentary platforms. If you have a story to tell, about your life, or work, or product, a sustained story, then blogging is still a compelling platform.

Because, as I’ve always said, blogging is ultimately all about self-publishing.”

That’s why I have my own domain (www.fernandogros.com) and use a highly customisable blog platform (WordPress). Services like Posterous and Tumblr are quick and easy to use, but offer limited scope for original design and, for want of a better word, branding.

In fact, I’m a believer that whatever online services you use, they should all funnel back to one central website with your name, your “branding” or identity, your store (if that’s your thing), your content and your story. Something like WordPress is the best way to do that because even if you don’t want your site to look or feel like a blog, such blogging software now makes it easy to manage your content and make it look good.

That happens because the more comprehensive blogging platforms make it simple to create each blogpost (it’s no harder than writing an email) and they allow a range of plugins and themes to be used to modify the behaviour of site. You don’t have to settle for something that looks like an journal, you can easily opt for more of a magazine, or online gallery format if you wish.

Moreover, different processes manage the content and the look of the site. That means that when you create blogposts, you are not constantly being distracted by decisions about fonts or colours. More importantly, it means that when you decide to redesign your site (and WordPress will allow for radically different designs), you don’t have to go back and fix or adjust every post or article.

For example the basic design of this blog comes from Graph Paper Press. They provide a range of free blog themes, as well as a subscription service for their more comprehensive layouts and even a full customisation service. Their products can make your site look like anything from a conventional blog, to a magazine, or even a high end gallery. The layout for mobile devices is managed (painlessly) with the WordPress Mobile Pack plugin.

The photos and photo galleries in each blogpost are styled with the FancyBox plugin. I no longer use an FTP programme to upload images, since that can now be done via WordPress from within the internet browser (including managing the file-structure for all media).

The fonts I use on this site are provided through TypeKit and integrated into the blog with the Typekit Fonts for WordPress plugin. Again, this approach makes it easy to change typefaces and font designs without having to alter any of the content on the site.

I write all the blogposts away from from the the browser, in Scrivener. I do this because writing into a browser interface always begs distraction and because Scrivener allows me to easily manage drafts and re-edits of each post. Everything you see on this blog normally goes through three to four rewrites and it typically takes three to ten days for a post to go from initial idea to final version.

By the way, today marks the sixth anniversary of this blog. I started blogging in 2001 and after a few different attempts, settling on this blog in 2004. A lot of things have changed over the years, in terms of design and topics. However, I’m happy that the blog has been a fairly solid (if slightly irregular) manifest of these years. If Douglas Coupland is right, that in the future we will find it increasingly difficult to view our lives as a story, then blogging and the public discussion we create around our blogs will be one way to retain the sense that our lives hang together as a narrative.

And that, for me, is reason enough to go on.

Web Design Dallas 14 years ago

Thanks for this AWESOME article! I will definitely have to use this in my blog!


Matt Stone 14 years ago

Interesting thoughts Fernando. I’ve been wondering the past year, am I becoming a dinosaur, doggedly blogging on when many are migrating to Facebook and Twitter exclusively? But I keep coming back to the fact that blogs are more searchable and encourage deeper content. I don’t want to give that up lightly. So I hang on, and funnel my facebook and twitter accounts back to the blog as best as I can. Your prediction intruges. I guess I may not be the only one.

Roy Sinai 14 years ago

Great post, Fernando. I agree completely ( though I haven’t yet executed the final step all all roads leading to a final mybrand.com destination).

Particularly gratified to read how it takes 3 – 10 days for an idea to reach fruition on the blog. The discipline of nurturing ideas ‘in private mode’ till they are ready for publication is an important practice to develop consistency and regularity.

facebook and Twitter are both wonderful and very different networks and contribute most importantly to the ‘engagement’ you can develop with an audience of known individuals and strangers to spread the word and showcase one final destination. They are feeders of information, and markers on the pulse of whats happening in ones network. They also both encourage authenticity – a vital ingredient for success in the social networking space

Each platform serves its function – to establish, maintain and build on ones personal brand, in real time, open kimono and constantly evolving….

Fernando Gros 14 years ago

Matt, I agree that blogs have a substance and scale that social media services can’t match. Different animals.

It’s worth observing the way Twitter is behaving now on the iPad. The app there includes blog content, via links inside the tweets when you open them. Moreover, apps like Flipboard render deeper content right up front of the viewer on each page. In a way, the iPad is very pro-blogging as a platform.

Fernando Gros 14 years ago

Roy, glad the post has caught your attention. I completely agree that each platform serves and function and hope you can find way to connect them all together for your goals!

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