"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
January 14, 2008

What’s Happening With The Film Reviews?

I love watching films and I still love writing film reviews. It’s also clear, from comments and emails, that readers of this blog tend to enjoy the reviews I write. But, last year, I went through something of a burn-out when it came to writing reviews. After all, it takes some time and effort to […]

I love watching films and I still love writing film reviews. It’s also clear, from comments and emails, that readers of this blog tend to enjoy the reviews I write.

But, last year, I went through something of a burn-out when it came to writing reviews. After all, it takes some time and effort to craft a well-written and informed review. But, the problem isn’t the time involved as much as the end result. I’m just not good at creating content that is “blog-only.” It would be different if I was writing those reviews “for” something (a book, or journal, or magazine) or maybe if I was in a social situation where I could discuss films more actively.

That said, I’m not dropping reviews. Instead, I’m going to stick to writing monthly “mini” reviews. I’m hoping this will take the pressure off. Given that I’ve set myself the modest goal of seeing at least 200 films this year (not that heavy, compared to the crazy viewing patterns of 96-02), it should still mean plenty of content for all you film-lovers out there.

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Toni 17 years ago

Films are a larger part of your life than I realised.

Before we had a DVD playing PC I doubt I saw more than 2 films a year, and some years maybe only 1. That changed *somewhat* but I still struggle to find a film I’d buy on DVD, even though this has become my preferred medium.

Having said that, I watched all 3 of the first star wars films this weekend (Christmas prezzie) and enjoyed the opportunity to run them within a very short space of time. It was also interesting to try spotting where they’d been tweaked to move in line with the prequels.

Guess I’m a Macdonalds kind of viewer. I just want quick and easy satisfaction.

Fernando Gros 17 years ago

I can remember quite a few times when I’ve seen four and even five films in a day! Whilst that is a little crazy, it’s not unusual for me to see two films in a day.

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